
Umpire Development Committee

Frank Fargey - Provincial UIC
Valerie Pelleck - Provincial DUIC
Terry Wolowiec - Slo-Pitch DUIC
Bruce Luebke - Education Officer
Al Bruneau- Mentorship
Tony Kuleza - Administration
Mike Klassen - Fundraising
Brad DeGraeve - Travel Coordinator
Chantal Girouard - Social Media
Jace Guilford- JR UDC Rural Rep

Zone UIC's

Central UIC Mack Walske 204-823-3748
Central DUIC Jace Guilford 431-736-0500
Eastman UIC Joyce Schroeder 204-346-4561
Eastman DUIC Mike Klassen 204-392-6174 
Interlake UIC Troy Schwartz 204-995-4289
Winnipeg UIC Tony Kuleza 204-793-3309
Westman UIC Bruce Luebke 204-730-2142
Westman DUIC Brad DeGraeve 204-761-0209 

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